There is no easy method to thicken the wrist as it is known. In order to thicken the wrist, it is necessary to know the muscle group in the wrist area well and to apply a training program for those muscle groups. For this, let's take a closer look at how to develop the wrist muscle and what types of muscles are in the blocked area.
How to Get Thicker Wrists?
Grip types are very important for wrist muscle development. Contrary to popular belief, there is more than one grip type and you need to implement specific movements for each in your training program. Grip types are as follows:
1. Pinch Grip
2. Crush Grip (Crushing force)
3. Support Grip (Support force)
If you want to develop wrist muscles and thicken your wrists, you should train on the three different types of strength we mentioned above. In this way, the muscles in the wrist area will develop and grow. Before moving on to the movements you can use in training for wrist muscle development, let's examine which muscles are in the wrist muscle group and what their anatomy is.
Wrist Muscle Anatomy
The wrist muscles consist of many muscle groups located between your elbow joint and your wrist. They are one of the most important muscle groups in your body. They allow you to make hand, arm and finger movements by combining with important tendons. The wrist muscle group is divided into 6. These are:
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
This muscle continues its function by providing flexion and adduction of your hand.
Extensor Digitorum
This muscle group provides flexion of your index, middle, ring and pinky fingers. In other words, it allows these 4 fingers to move and function in your daily life.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
This muscle from your wrist muscle group leaves the biceps muscle and triceps muscle at the joint connection point and enters under your wrist. When you hold your arm straight, it is the muscle located on the outside of your forearm, right next to your elbow. The functions of this muscle are to help other muscles perform the basic functions of your hand.
This muscle has important points between your wrist muscle and your biceps muscle. It comes out from under your hand joint and connects to your bone from the side of your biceps muscle. One of its most basic movements is to allow your biceps muscle to stretch and perform its function.
Extensor Digit Minimi
The extensor digiti minimi muscle from your wrist muscle group provides the basic functions of your little finger. Another feature is that it helps your hand functions in general.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
This muscle, together with the Radialis Longusl muscle, allows you to perform abduction and extension movements of your hand. In other words, it basically allows your hand to stretch and move up and down.
Exercises to Develop Wrist Muscles
1. Metal hand springs
Metal hand springs are aimed directly at developing the crush grip. The most appropriate training for beginners is to work with these types of grippers at high repetitions.
2. Towel Wringing
You can squeeze a wet, thick towel into a bucket repeatedly. You can create variations by changing the way you hold it.
3. Plate Hold and Curl
The best exercise you can do for pinch strength is to hold the weight plates statically for 15 to 60 seconds as in the picture. Another useful movement is to curl with a short weight plate as below.
4. Static pull-ups
You need to pull yourself up so that your chin is above the bar and wait without changing your position. Since it is a static movement, you can also do it with a weight attached to your waist. You can apply it 3-4 x (15sec-60sec).
If your biceps are the weak link in the chain, you can hang without pulling yourself up.
By adding these movements to your workout programs, you can develop your wrist muscles and have thicker wrists.