In this article, we will discuss supplements used in sports. Which supplement should be used in which sports? Which supplements should be used in endurance, strength, combat and team sports?
Which Supplement Should Be Used In Which Sports?
In addition to genetic predisposition, regular training, motivation and choosing the most appropriate nutrition model for the sport performed are important in the success of the athlete. Appropriate nutrition programs applied together with training programs help the athlete develop their endurance and athletic performance.
Although good nutrition cannot replace factors such as training, effort, talent, and personal effort, it is indisputable that it makes a difference in reaching high-level performance goals.
Especially in adolescence, the athlete is in a period of rapid growth and development, so their energy needs have increased accordingly. It is very important for young athletes to acquire good eating habits in order to meet their increased energy, nutrient and fluid needs.
Öztürk's research has shown that professionals generally eat more regularly than amateur football players.
Another purpose of nutrition programs prepared specifically for athletes is to protect and improve the athlete's current health, as well as to maintain and further improve their current performance.
Sports nutrition has become an important field of study supported by knowledge in areas such as exercise biochemistry and exercise physiology. This field includes studies aimed at advancing the relationship between nutrition and sports to maintain a healthy life, the relationship between training and nutrition programs, rapid recovery after exercise and optimizing competition performance.
Food selection is also important for consuming a balanced diet. The first step is to determine the macronutrients required for the nutrition of the body, and the second step is to apply the optimal diet suitable for the sport.
For a better understanding of the subject, sports branches that are similar to each other in terms of energy systems and use of energy resources are grouped under subheadings.
- Endurance: Marathon, walking (20-25 km)
- Continuing endurance and strength: Cycling, rowing, swimming, mountaineering
- Fighting: Boxing, wrestling, judo, karate
- Team Game: Football, basketball, handball
- Strength sports: Weightlifting
- Speed and strength: Sprinting, ice skating, volleyball, gymnastics.
Athletes who are included in different groups in terms of the energy systems they use may show similarities.
Nutrition in sports varies from metabolism to metabolism and also varies according to the sports branches. Athletes must have a healthy and systematic nutrition program in order to be able to show high-level performance and continuity, prevent injuries and recover more quickly when injured. For example, athletes who exert high effort and strength (bodybuilding, weightlifting, gymnastics) consume more protein; endurance athletes consume more carbohydrates. It is also useful to state that individuals in different sports branches have different body types. For example, individuals interested in weightlifting have a high muscle ratio, while athletes who sweat in cycling races are quite thin. These different body weights of athletes affect their speed, endurance and strength. Differences in body composition, namely the amount of fat, lean tissue and water in their bodies, determine the strength, agility and appearance of athletes. When evaluating the body weight of athletes, their body fat amounts should also be determined. For example, athletes with high muscle mass (weightlifting, bodybuilding, etc.) tend to have higher body weight, but their fat levels are generally at recommended levels.
It has been mentioned before that in sports where muscle strength and volume are important, such as bodybuilding, weightlifting and gymnastics, it is important to take sufficient protein. In strength sports (weightlifting, shot put, hammer, etc.), 2.0-2.3 g/kg/day and in other sports, 1.5-2.0 g/kg/day meet the protein intake requirement; in other words, 12-20% of the daily energy requirement should come from protein. In cases where protein cannot be obtained through nutrition, protein powders offer the best option. For a 70 kg male athlete involved in weightlifting, the daily protein amount is 70×2.3 = 161 grams.
Below are the daily protein amounts to be taken per kilogram according to the type of sport.
- Elite male endurance sports: 1.6g/kg
- Moderate intensity endurance sports: 1.2g/kg
- Football and strength sports: 1.4-1.7 g/kg
- Resistance sports: 1.5-1.7 g/kg
- Training resistance sports: 1.0-1.2 g/kg
In simpler terms, the energy rate from protein should be 12-15% in all sports. However, young and weak athletes should consume an average of 1.5 g/kg. Meanwhile, calculating the daily protein amount from 12-15% in athletes with high energy needs may cause too much protein intake. In these groups, 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day offers a more acceptable value.
For example; water consumption is a factor that directly affects performance. The body consists of an average of 55-65% water. If there is not enough water consumption, this will have direct negative effects on strength, power and performance. In addition to these, the necessary importance should be given to the diet. In addition to taking into account a good balance of carbohydrates and proteins, care should be taken to ensure that the diet is rich in daily vitamins and minerals.
Another important thing here is to be aware of whether there is a sensitivity to certain foods. Allergic reactions to certain foods are a condition that can affect not only athletic performance but also health. Eating at appropriate intervals (2-4 hours) is also important in providing the body with the nutrients it needs. Attention should be paid to protein intake at every meal.
It is emphasized how important nutrition is for the body and for increasing performance, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete in the sport.
Amino Acids: Amino acids, including non-essential arginine, help break down fat. It is stated that they can delay fatigue by acting on the central nervous system and thus positively affect endurance performance.
It is reported that glutamine can reduce the risk of infection by positively affecting the immune system. It is known that plasma glutamine concentrations decrease during periods of intense exercise. Therefore, it is thought that glutamine supports immunity in athletes.
Fat: Fats as an energy source help sustain long-term strength activities. However, they are not used as an energy source in short-distance runs where rapid energy is needed. Fat can be a good energy source in long marathons. Fat stores in the body are used for aerobic activities; therefore, there is no need to consume more fat to increase aerobic sports power. Meanwhile, omega 3 fatty acids affect performance by increasing oxygen distribution to cells. It increases the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to cells. It supports aerobic metabolism. It increases the duration and intensity of exercise. It prevents tendon and ligament damage. Therefore, omega 3 supplements can be recommended to athletes.
Vitamins and Minerals
Vegetarian athletes may not be able to take in many vitamins and minerals because they refuse to consume animal-based products. For this reason, it would be healthier for them to have their vitamin and mineral levels checked.
1. Endurance Sports
One of the basic components of physical fitness is endurance. Endurance sports are sports that require long-term, low-intensity activity. Whether the activity is 1 hour or longer, or a short-term activity requiring explosive power, endurance is important for all athletes.
The main energy sources in these sports are glycogen and fats.
Glycogen : Each glycogen molecule is a complex structure consisting of hundreds of glucose molecules linked together. It is the storage form of excess glucose in animals. It is slightly soluble in water and has a brown-red color. Glycogen is usually stored in liver and muscle cells. Glucose is also stored in the form of glycogen in bacteria and fungi.
If the glycogen store is depleted, the sugar in the blood is used and the blood sugar may drop. This causes the person to feel weak, lethargic, dizzy and sick. In cases where there is not enough glucose for the brain, the body starts using muscle tissue.
Carbohydrates are a key nutrient for athletes and are used as the body's main energy source during long-term training or competition. Carbohydrate stores in the body are stored in the form of glycogen in skeletal muscles at 300-500 grams (g) and in the liver at 75-100 grams, and are used to provide energy during training and competition. Athletes can increase their glycogen stores by 1.5-2 times with a high-carbohydrate diet.
The more glycogen stores an athlete has, the higher their performance will be.
In athletes, a very low or depleted glycogen store (which may occur after training or due to insufficient carbohydrate intake) may cause chronic fatigue or overtraining.
CHO is important in endurance training. As it decreases, fatigue and exhaustion begin.
When foods containing carbohydrates are consumed, the body goes through a process of breaking down the food and converting the carbohydrate into a sugar called glucose. When there is plenty of glucose available, the body stores more than it can use at one time in the form of glycogen for later use. Abbreviated glycogen is the stored form of glucose, which is the body's main source of energy.
Fats : Fats are the most important energy suppliers. Fats are the most energy-rich food with 9 kcal per gram. In addition to providing energy for athletes, they are also necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. However, attention should be paid to the amount consumed. As with many foods and supplements, excess fats have harmful effects. In short, when consumed in excess, fats can cause blockages in the veins; as a result, heart diseases and circulatory disorders can occur.
2. Endurance and Strength Sports
Endurance and strength sports are sports such as cycling, rowing, swimming. The use of creatine supplements may be recommended in these sports.
Creatine primarily prevents age-related muscle loss. According to a study, muscle strength increased in older adults who did resistance training using creatine.
It contributes to the increase in muscle ratio in the body in elderly people or people who do sports. 95% of creatine is found in the muscles in the body as phosphocreatine. The rest is distributed to different organs.
Especially those who train intensively may experience various injuries from time to time. Creatine helps alleviate such injuries or muscle cramps thanks to its antioxidant properties.
How creatine is used can vary from person to person. It is generally recommended to use it according to weight. If calculated daily, it is possible to say that it is used around 3-5 grams. The packages purchased explain in detail who should use how much. People who have a continuous and regular intense sports life use creatine every day.
There have been some studies on whether creatine is harmful or not. There is no evidence that it is harmful in healthy people. Side effects may occur in detailed situations such as taking it with different drugs or combining it with various components. Therefore, care should be taken in the dosages to be taken. At the same time, hair loss may occur due to an increase in DHT in people who are genetically prone to hair loss. However, this has not yet been clearly proven.
Creatine, available in powder or capsule forms, has positive effects on increasing muscle strength.
Whether running is long distance or short distance, a good nutrition plan and training are necessary for the physical requirements of running. With a good training and a nutrition plan that includes the daily nutrients required, performance in sports increases incredibly.
In sports that require endurance, such as running, the body is under stress due to the nature of the sport. Especially individuals who run regularly must meet essential nutrients.
Carbohydrates : It is a primary energy source for the body and naturally for running. Therefore, runners should pay attention to their carbohydrate intake before a big race. Another suggestion for runners is energy bars and energy gels. These products can be used before running and will help maintain endurance and efficiency during running.
It is recommended that runners use products containing high-quality carbohydrates and proteins after running. Since isolated whey protein powders are quickly absorbed by the body, it is thought that they can be a good protein supplement after training. In addition, carbohydrates always play an important role in people's diets. They are used as primary energy givers and are the first nutrients consumed during hunger. Their building blocks are glucose. They are stored as glycogen in animals and starch in plants.
As a result of burning 1 gram of carbohydrates in the body, an average of 4 calories are released.
Carbohydrates are the basic nutrients that provide energy for most living things. They enable proteins to be used in the body for construction and repair, metabolize fats, and when carbohydrates are not taken in, the body is forced to use fats for energy. Some carbohydrates are involved in the formation of healthy bacteria in the intestines, which are necessary for digestion. In the absence of carbohydrates, they are involved in the formation of healthy bacteria in the intestines, which are necessary for digestion. In the absence of carbohydrates, digestive system problems are seen. Most carbohydrates are also a good source of fiber. Fibers protect the body from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and digestive problems.
L Carnitine, which is found in the body, transports fats to the mitochondria and provides increased energy by supporting ATP production. In case of deficiency, the body cannot convert fats into energy and this leads to muscle weakness, liver enlargement and growth retardation. Therefore, with L Carnitine supplementation, a muscular and lean body can be achieved and the bone loss process can be slowed down.
One of the most important tasks L Carnitine undertakes in the body is to transport fats, especially long-chain fatty acids, to the cell mitochondria. Here, the oxidized fatty acids produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and are used as energy. L Carnitine performs this task at the cellular level both during exercise and rest, but research suggests that more ATP is produced during intense exercise.
L Carnitine prevents fat accumulation during the bulking period and provides muscle formation. During the diet period, it helps to burn fat as energy by transporting it to the cells.
The most interesting result of the studies is the positive effects of L Carnitine supplements on athletic performance. In a study conducted at the University of Nottingham Medical School, 80 grams of a high glycemic index carbohydrate and 2 grams of L Carnitine were given after 24 hours. The other group of athletes only received carbohydrates. The researchers observed that the group taking L Carnitine burned 55% less muscle glycogen during low-intensity cycling exercise, but 55% more fat. In high-intensity cycling exercise, the group taking L Carnitine was seen to have lower lactic acid and higher creatine phosphate levels. When the subjects' capacity to cope with fatigue during exercise tests was measured, it was observed that those taking L Carnitine continued their exercises 25% longer. The reason for this is that athletes taking L Carnitine burned more fat while preserving muscle glycogen and had lower lactic acid and higher creatine phosphate rates.
L Carnitine also increases blood flow to the muscles. Increased blood flow means more nutrients and hormones reach the muscles during exercise, when they need it most.
L Carnitine helps transport fatty acids to the mitochondria. That's why it's thought to increase performance.
There is no specific time period for L Carnitine use. However, it is mostly recommended to use it before training or at any time of the day. This may vary depending on the active ingredients in the supplements. For example, if the preferred L Carnitine contains caffeine, it would be more beneficial to take it before training to increase exercise efficiency.
3. Combat Sports
This group of sports includes sports such as boxing, wrestling, judo, karate. Those who do these sports need more strength. In general, pre-workout supplements can be recommended to individuals who do these sports groups.
Pre Workout Supplements
Many people use supplements before workouts to give themselves an extra boost of energy for their workouts. However, there are many supplements available, each containing many ingredients. Typically, the ingredients found in pre-workout supplements only improve certain aspects of exercise performance. Some ingredients can increase strength, while others can increase endurance.
The best pre-workout supplements are designed to help increase exercise volume and intensity. So the extra sets and minutes spent pay off big. There’s more motivation to see the rewards of hard work. And the harder you work, the more progress you make. So when combined with the right training and nutrition program, using a pre-workout supplement can help you push yourself harder, not just for today’s workout, but for more reps tomorrow and the days ahead.
Pre-workout supplements can be easily used and preferred by athletes of almost all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes, and anyone who wants to improve their fitness levels.
In workouts like high intensity interval training (HIIT) or endurance training, the muscles need to have high energy levels to prevent them from completely exhausting. When pre-workout food or supplements are carefully chosen, performance and energy levels can be increased and fatigue can be delayed. Pre-workout nutrition can be achieved with a meal, snack or supplement to provide energy. However, protein and carbohydrates should be at the forefront of all three.
4. Team Games
This group includes sports such as football, basketball and volleyball.
In this group, the pre-workout products mentioned above are very beneficial. Apart from this, other energy-giving supplements can also be used.
Glutamine is the amino acid found most abundantly in skeletal muscles, at 61%. It consists of 19% nitrogen, making it the number one element that transports nitrogen to the muscles.
During intense exercise, glutamine levels are greatly depleted, reducing strength, endurance, and recovery speed. Studies have shown that L Glutamine supplements minimize muscle breakdown and improve protein metabolism.
Glutamine is a source of energy for intestinal and immune cells. It also helps maintain the barrier between the intestines and the rest of the body and helps intestinal cells grow properly.
Glutamine may reduce fatigue or muscle soreness during and after exercise. In addition, glutamine plays an important role in immune function. During illness or injury, the body may not produce enough of it. Glutamine supplements may help improve immune function and preserve protein stores in the body.
Some supplements may contain L Glutamine, so it is recommended to check product labels.
The best times to take L Glutamine are in the morning, after training, and before bed at night.
Creatine can be used for explosive power in team sports. In addition to these, beta-alanine is also among the supplements that can be used in team sports.
A good nutrition program is an essential element of training and performance development. However, in addition to an adequate nutrition program, a good supplement program also affects performance in team sports. What most team sports have in common is that each player's stamina is very important.
These types of sports require intense effort and performance. Therefore, athletes need to train not only for the matches but also to improve their endurance and strength. Therefore, a supplement plan that helps them recover quickly between these intense workouts will help improve the team's performance.
Liz Applegate, director of sports nutrition at the University of California, Berkeley, says beta-alanine delays fatigue.
High jumps are very important in volleyball. In order to have a good serve and block, players need to improve their jumping ability. Luciana Setara (a Brazilian nutritional science researcher in the field of experimental nutrition) evaluated the effects of magnesium supplementation on the physical performance of professional volleyball players. During the four-week study, 12 young athletes took 350 mg of magnesium supplements daily. The other group (13 athletes) took 350 mg of maltodextrin daily.
The study conducted multiple assessments before and after the supplement and found that there was a significant difference in jumping height between the group that took the magnesium supplement and the group that did not. The group that took the magnesium improved their jumps by 3 cm and this was achieved in just one month. Magnesium helps in the process of providing energy to the muscles and thus increases muscle growth.
Glucosamine, which protects joint health, may also be recommended as a supplement for team sports. It is reported that EPA and DHA found in fish oil are also good for general health and joints.
Whey Protein
As in every sport, whey protein consumption is an important nutritional support for muscle renewal in team sports. An average of 1.4-1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day is recommended. (20)
5. Strength Sports
Whey Protein : Whey protein, the most common type of protein in supplement use, is very important for muscle development. The supplement, which allows the body to recover faster after training, also supports performance and strength gains.
The most well-known use of whey protein supplements is to increase muscle mass and strength. Ways whey protein supports muscle/strength gains:
- Building blocks : Provides protein and amino acids that act as building blocks for increased muscle growth.
- Hormones : Whey protein increases the release of anabolic hormones such as insulin, which stimulate muscle growth.
- Leucine : Known to stimulate muscle protein synthesis at the molecular and genetic level, leucine is a good source of the amino acid and is also found in BCAA supplements.
- Fast absorption : Whey protein is absorbed and used by the body very quickly compared to other types of protein.
Whey protein is a healthy way for individuals who exercise at home or anywhere to add more protein to their diet. It is a quality protein source that is efficiently absorbed and used by the human body.
This supplement is especially important for athletes, bodybuilders, or people who need to gain lean muscle mass and strength.
Whey protein supports muscle growth. Whey protein lowers blood pressure.
Whey protein can improve the body's antioxidant defenses.
Whey protein also helps reduce hunger during diet periods.
Whey protein powder can be used before training, after training, during training, before sleep and at breakfast. If whey protein is taken before training, the repair process will have already started. It can be taken 45 minutes before starting sports. Eating or drinking something while doing sports means that extra blood goes to the stomach for digestion to begin. When blood collects around the stomach, an undesirable situation occurs in terms of muscle nutrition during short-term exercises.
Whey protein powder can also be used after exercise. In this way, the energy lost after exercise is restored. In addition, muscle repair is provided. It should be used within 40 minutes at most after exercise. In this way, a positive nitrogen balance is provided to the body. Muscles are re-nourished and repaired.
Special filtering methods are used to produce whey protein. The filtering method varies depending on the properties of the protein to be obtained. After the filtering stage of the protein is completed, the drying stage is started by spraying. The product is then turned into powder. Color and flavor can be added at this stage.
Therefore, it is extremely suitable for use by people who do sports or want to add additional protein to their diet, regardless of place and location.
Weight and volume products provide energy support during training thanks to their high calorie content and help you to get an efficient workout that will tire your muscles well. It should not be forgotten that weightlifting is directly proportional to high muscle development. People have different body structures. These are listed under 3 groups: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph body types. While the endomorph body type is known for having a high fat ratio, well-developed muscles stand out in the mesomorph body type. Ectomorph body types are body types with low fat and muscle ratios, meaning they have very thin bodies. For this reason, the group that has the most difficulty in gaining weight is people with ectomorph body types. Individuals who use weight and volume products aim to direct the development of their body types.
Studies have shown that individuals who are new to weight training gain 2.7 kg of muscle after eight weeks when they consume a carbohydrate drink after training. Another group added creatine to their carbohydrate drink without telling them and they gained about 4 kg of muscle.
Creatine, which is found in many products that help gain weight and volume, will help you gain muscle mass. Creatine improves insulin sensitivity in muscle cells. This means that the calories taken will be spent on muscle development instead of being stored.
Weight and volume products are generally taken 30 minutes-1 hour before and after training. It is recommended to mix it with milk instead of water for extra calories and nutritional value.
Creatine : Creatine is a food supplement that can be used for many different functions, with a number of positive properties supported by scientific research. Creatine can be produced in the body or taken externally through food. The most well-known and common form of creatine, which is available in capsule and powder form on the market, is creatine monohydrate. (14)
Creatine primarily prevents age-related muscle loss. According to a study, the benefits of using creatine without resistance training cannot be mentioned enough.
Creatine is used by the body during athletic performance. It can help athletes by improving rowing performance or high jump performance. (15) However, the effects of creatine on sprint, cycling or swimming performance vary.
Creatine may not produce effective results in some sports. This may be due to differences in creatine doses and differences in tests used to measure performance.
Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid and is produced by L-Arginine, Glycine and L-Methionine in the kidneys, pancreas and liver to provide energy to cells throughout the body, especially brain and muscle cells. 95% of creatine is stored in skeletal muscles and is secreted when the muscles need high energy. Due to this feature, creatine is used by athletes and bodybuilders who want to increase their energy and athletic performance.
Creatine supplements help athletes train longer and at a higher level.
Creatine can also help muscular dystrophy patients by strengthening them. A study conducted at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany found that patients using creatine became 8.5% stronger than muscular dystrophy patients who did not take creatine supplements. Dr. Rudolf Kley, who conducted the study, stated that short- and long-term creatine use can increase the strength of patients with muscular disorders and that creatine is easily tolerated by the body.
May Improve Athletic Performance: A study in California found that creatine supplements cause muscles to produce phosphocreatine, which helps you perform better during short, intense (anaerobic) exercises, such as resistance training. Instead of chicken, it’s also helpful to consume foods high in creatine, such as salmon, tuna, and red meat, before your workout.
Chad Kerksich, a professor of sports psychology at the University of Oklahoma, says that athletes who use creatine perform better during intense exercises and can do more repetitions in training because the body produces more energy; this allows them to become more muscular and stronger.
6. Speed and Strength Sports
Sports in this group include sprinting, ice skating, volleyball and gymnastics. Supplements used in endurance sports can also be used in this group.